
Oshibori Linkage|Announcement of Participating Artists

We are pleased to announce the participating artists for "Oshibori Linkage," a project to be held at Tokyo Biennale 2023.


This project will feature artists selected through an international open call for entries, as well as artists recommended by the Tokyo Biennale. Each artist will create an original drawing, which will be embroidered on the oshibori and served at restaurants and other locations during the TB2023 Summer Period. Oshibori is a small, moderately moistened towel served in restaurants for guests to wipe their hands. Visitors to the restaurants will enjoy the chance encounter with these small pieces of art using oshibori as a small canvas. Since oshibori are also environmentally friendly reusable items, the works will repeatedly encoutner people in Tokyo during the period. Eventually, they will be exhibited together in a special venue during the fall period. We will keep you updated on the progress of the project through this website, so please stay tuned.


We received more than 150 submissions for the international open call for artists. We would like to extend our sincere thanks to all applicants.


Selected Artists

* (Country or region of origin | Base of activity)

Michael Amter (USA | Belle Meade)

Hsiaochi Chang (Taiwan | Taipei)

Muziwandile Gigaba (South Africa | Durban)

Henry Grahn Hermunen (Finland | Helsinki) and Rikard Larsson (Sweden | Stockholm)

Laura Ige (Argentina)

Violeta Ivanova (Bulgaria | Austria)

Dorina Juhász (Hungary | Szentlőrinc)

Celina Jure (Argentina)

Antonius Kho (Indonesia)

Steffi Klenz (Germany | London, UK) and Clare Strand (UK | Brighton)

MAR and R3NDER (Argentina)

Odekrom (Clare Ghigo and Joseph Calleja) (Malta)

Violetta De Saga (Ukraine/Germany | Berlin)

Shirley Soh (Singapore)

Timo Wright (Finland | Helsinki)


Recommended Artists

Makoto Aida


Miran Fukuda

Dan Isomura

Mari Katayama


Kenichi Obana

Meo Saito

Azumi Sakata

Yui Usui


Selection Committee

Masato Nakamura
Artist. General Director of Tokyo Biennale 2023. Professor at Tokyo University of the Arts, Department of Painting.

Min Nishihara
Independent Curator. Mental Health Therapist. General Director of Tokyo Biennale 2023. Professor at Akita University of Art

Exhibition view at MUJI Ginza Store. Photo by Rui Kimura



An experimental project to encounter art from around the world at restaurants by using the Japanese oshibori (moistened hand towel) as a white canvas.
