
Special Exhibition: Super Sorted Garbage Bins Project

Installation view at Tokyo Biennale 2023 (Etoile Kaito Living Pavilion)

The Super Sorted Garbage Bins Project will hold a new special exhibition after participating in the Tokyo Biennale 2023.


Isn't the cycle of things around the human world divided in our consciousness by the existence of trash cans? This is the question that inspired the creation of the Super Sorted Garbage Bins Project. We consumers merely own the space between the product shelf and the trash can. We cannot see beyond the trash can. Thinking about extreme sorting is also to be conscious of garbage.

From the website of the Super Sorted Garbage Bins Project



Super Sorted Garbage Bins Project

A social art project launched in 1995 at Keio University's Fujihata Laboratory with Koji Nagamine as a core member. The project was relaunched in 2023 to engage in expressive activities based on the theme of "garbage," and perticipated the Tokyo Biennale 2023.


2024.5.3 (fri)–6.28 (fri) Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays (May 3 is a temporary opening for an event)
Package Museum (1F Osaki Forest Bldg., 2-18-1 Higashi-Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku)

Organized by: Toyo Seikan Group Holdings, Ltd.
Cooperation: Etoile Kaito & Co., Inc., Tokyo Metropolitan Kogei High School and PTA
Executive Committee: Masaki Fujihata, Koji Nagamine, Yoshikazu Inui, Tomoyuki Hinuma, Hitomi Hayabuchi





Masaki Fujihata and others: Super Sorted Garbage Bins 2023 Project

What will happen when we extend the category of sorted garbage? In the 2023 version, we focused on plastic garbage.
