
Super Sorted Garbage Bins 2023|Masaki Fujihata Special Lecture Was Held.

On June 23, "Masaki Fujihata Special Lecture: Media/Plastic/Art/Garbage" was held at Tokyo Metropolitan Kogei High School as part of the "Super Sorting Garbage Bins 2023," one of the Linkages of the Tokyo Biennale 2023. The "Super Sorting Trash Bin 2023" project brings artists and high school students and partner companies together to think about urban waste, especially plastic waste, which is important to sort and recycle. Media artist Masaki Fujihata spoke to the 20 high school students, their parents, and participants from partner companies who gathered at the school. Future activities include workshops, exhibitions, and other exchange activities with these members. A students who touched the vision of the "Super Separated Trash Bins 2023" at the lecture said they would be happy if plastic trash could be turned into beautiful works of art.



The members will hold a kick-off meeting, followed by workshops, etc., and then the results will be exhibited at the fall meeting.


Masaki Fujihata and others: Super Sorted Garbage Bins 2023 Project

What will happen when we extend the category of sorted garbage? In the 2023 version, we focused on plastic garbage.
