D03Prescription for Tokyo | Charlotte de Cock: HYPERNOVA


Prescription for Tokyo



Public production




Otemachi First Square (south wall)

1-5-1 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo


2023.9.18 - 11.5

*The start date may change due to weather conditions.




9.18 (Sun)–11.5 (Sun) Open daily
Otemachi First Square (south wall) 1-5-1 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku

Prescription for Tokyo is a Linkage comprising invited artists who are deepening their efforts in each respective themes. They will present a perspective or framing of Tokyo based on their own worldview through their works. The project will be held at various venues in Tokyo, and will be implemented as a connected project for Tokyo that will become cultural “prescription” for society’s recovery, overcoming various divisions that stretch across the world today.

Charlotte de Cock (Belgium) will create an outdoor work in the Daimaruyu area, where Tokyo's economic activities and cultural arts intersect. "Schön! Das Leben ist Schön!" (Beautiful! Life is beautiful!), the slogan of the project is to call for liberation from being stuck in a box. The title 'Hypernova' refers to the circulation and connection between the energy of human creativity and the environment around us. The mural will be a self-portrait that conveys the artist's conviction as well as a strong appeal to the viewers to step out of the box of confinement and liberate themselves.

Organizer: Tokyo Biennale
Co-organizer: Daimaruyu Art Action Executive Committee
Support: Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd., Daimaruyu SDGs ACT5 Project
Special cooperation: OMY Landlord Council, OMY Area Management Association, Fujisawa Corporation
Venue cooperation: Otemachi 1st Square, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone East

*This program will be implemented as one of the "Daimaruyu Art Action". (see below for details)

Audio guide is available here!


Live Painting "Hypernova" | 9.18 (Mon)–20 (Wed)  *Concluded. Artwork on display.

For the first three days, a giant mural will be created by live painting. This unprecedented live painting will take place between skyscrapers in Otemachi. Please come and see the dynamic work being painted from a crane 10 meters above the ground.

Dates: 9.18 (Mon) – 9.20 (Wed), 2023
Time: 10:00–16:00 (9.18), 11:00 –16:00 (9.19 and 20)




Related exhibits on Hypernova

The Hypernova (Process), a video recording of the live painting that took place over three days from 18 September at Otemachi First Squar, and Hypernova (Exercises for Mural) are on show at the Etoile Kaito Living Bldg. (Higashi-Nihombashi and Bakurocho area).

Date/Time: 2023.9.23 (Sat) – 11:00–18:00, Open daily
*Closing date is to be adjusted.
Venue: Etoile Kaito Living bldg., 5F (1-15-15 Higashi-Kanda, Chiyoda-ku)
Admission: common ticket for Etoile Kaito Living Pavilion (17 exhibition programs)
General ¥2,500 Students ¥1,500 Free for high school students and younger


Daimaruyu Art Action

The Daimaruyu area (Otemachi, Marunouchi, and Yurakucho), in addition to being a business district that plays a key role in the Japanese economy, has a history of urban development centered on culture and the arts dating back 100 years, including the construction of Japan's first theater at the dawn of modern Japan. “Daimaruyu Art Action” will implement a number of art projects at the forefront of urban development in the heart of the city, and collaborate with a network of local businesses with a view to "the next 100 years" of taking action to arouse creativity.

Each Linkage to be implemented in the Daimaruyu area in Tokyo Biennale 2023 will collaborate with the following members for its realization.

Daimaruyu SDGs ACT5 Project Executive Committee, Ligare (OMY Area Management Association), The OMY Landlord Council, Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd., other companies, stores, entrepreneurs and workers in the Daimaruyu area, artist collectives and designers working on social issues, universities and organizations involved in multiculturalism and community development, and others.



東京ビエンナーレ2023「大丸有アートアクション」マップ|Map of Daimaruyu Art Action

Wantanee Siripattananuntakul, <em>Everyone is</em>, 2017, from the


Prescription for Tokyo

Artists who focus on ethnic history and discrimination, local cultural visibility, discommunication, crisis and safety, care and recovery will gather in Tokyo



Prescription for Tokyo



Public production




Otemachi First Square (south wall)

1-5-1 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo


2023.9.18 - 11.5

*The start date may change due to weather conditions.



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