Artist. Born 1993 in Reykjavík, Iceland. Graduated from the Iceland University of the Arts’ fine art department in 2019. During her studies, she went on exchange to the Kunst und Vermittlung department at Hochschule Luzern, where her work Konzert für Spielzeug und Schwimmbad was chosen by curator Michael Sutter to be exhibited at the school’s best-of exhibition, K+. Hildur Elísa holds a diploma in classical clarinet from the Reykjavík College of Music and has performed widely with the Hamrahlid Choir. In her works, she uses institutional critique within performance, moving image, installation and music, to interrupt and criticize normative narrative and show her subjects from a new angle.
Born 1963 in Jujuy, Argentina. Studied dance at Teatro Colón and architecture at Universidad de Buenos Aires. She also studied art at the Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes in Buenos Aires, La École supérieure des beaux-arts in Nimes and Staatliche Kunstakademie in Düsseldorf. Jujuy´s landscape and traditions, dancing, painting, architecture, ceramics and sewing are her art languages and her way of living.